Thursday, 18 June 2015

How to Make Your Laptop Last Longer

Apple computer have recently introduced a magnetic power connector to their range of MacBooks and MacBook Pros. The idea is that if your power cable gets yanked, it just pops out and doesn't pull your laptop off the table. This is a great invention that surely should have been invented at least 10 years ago - I can't believe no one thought of such an obvious idea sooner.

Long Term Port Wear

I used to have an iBook and after 18 months the Ethernet port became a bit temperamental. The wire had to be pulled sidewise or it wouldn't connect. The port hadn't become damaged by yanking it (something that still hasn't been solved by the way), it was just worn out with normal use. I think the thing that did the damage was resting the laptop on my lap, or for that matter anywhere apart from a table. When the computer on something that doesn't remain perfectly still the cables in the back will be softly tugged with every movement. I didn't even think about it until the port failed, but I think 18 months of soft tugging is enough to wear it out.

The bad news is that the ports on your laptop can't easily be fixed. All of the ones I have opened up have the ports soldered to the motherboard. Normally a broken port means that you are going to have to buy a new machine. Even if it is still under warranty, I wouldn't be surprise if you get turned away. Broken ports are probably classed as user abuse by manufacturers - something that can't be fixed under standard warranty.

After the iBook, I got an IBM ThinkPad. To avoid running into the same problem, I made certain rules of how I was going to use my new laptop. I always try to use it at a table; this is not only is good to eliminate cable tugging, it also supports your arms which I find more comfortable. After 2 years, my ports are not showing any signs of wear - so it seems to be paying off.

Carrying the Laptop

The only thing that went wrong with my ThinkPad was the case cracking. Although it was not dropped the case cracked after around 18 months of regular use. In my opinion, I think it was partly attributable to the poorly designed plastic component and also that I often lifted the laptop with one hand. Picking up a laptop by the corner is another habit that I try to avoid; it puts unnecessary bending stresses on some of the components.

Stop Theives Taking your Laptop

Over the last 5 years, 4 laptops have been stolen from people I know; one from a restaurant, one from a college, and two from bedrooms. Each time the owner was guilty in some way for not taking the necessary precautions. I think that the windows of your home are like a shop front for thieves; I would never keep expensive equipment that can be seen in full view from outside. It might be nice to have a view from your desk, but you should be aware not to invite break-ins.

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